Thursday, November 26, 2009

Today was a good day!

It’s been a tough week training wise. On the weekend I did a 70km ride on sat, got insanely burnt, then on Sunday morning a 60km session starting with a 10min sprint hill climb. Since the weekend it just seems I haven’t recovered.

Had a lot of work this week, Christmas period lots of stock coming in and I am the man to unpack it. So by Wednesday 20hours of moving boxes around, on my feet the whole time really took its toll on my legs. That and mentally it was a bit of a struggle to go from working all day to long 3hour rides in the afternoon. I honestly don’t know how all you "real people" work all day long and train to be triathletes it would kill me!

It was so great today to just be able to focus on training. In the morning I hit my legs hard in the gym. Deep squats, One Leg Squats, Lunges, Back raises, ab work, was a nice short session before a 1 hour wind trainer workout. I strongly believe in the need for strength work off the bike to develop your muscles further, and target them specifically.

In the afternoon I mixed things up a little, 2 hours ride followed by 3mins of seated squat (2 x 1.30mins really with 1min rest), they are great more for the mental toughness than the strength. I think it’s a valuable exercise to do to help train yourself mentally.

Followed the ride with a 2km run just to test the knee out. Have had a few issues over the past few days but was able to hit 4min km pace with no pain so have scheduled a 10km run tomorrow.

After all that jumped in for an easy swim, which turned into a 400m max as I was challenged by one of the swimmers. 4.21.62, was very happy with it, died a lot in the end but that is to be expected, haven’t been in the water for a week. So all in all a good day, 4hours of riding in the morn, then 10km run in the afternoon tomorrow!


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