Friday, January 1, 2010

75km Ride

It has been a while since my last post, I apologise for that, unfortunately work has run me into the ground so my training was anything but ordinary. I see no point in blogging the mediocre you don't want to read about that!

So finally I have been able to get back into my training, its been like nearly two weeks since I have done anything decent! I started the week with a 15km run, which went horribly. The pace was fine, my legs fine however my knee caused me great trouble. I didn't know if its the shoes or what, but I cant seem to run more than a km atm without it playing up.

Unfortunately this injury pretty much put me out of running for the entire week. I have physio next Tuesday to try and clear it up. I tried running yesterday go 270m before it fired up again! Fingers crossed I'm keen to start some serious training!

Swimming this week has been good as usual. Nothing really exciting to report, mainly just 5km sets roll through them at a comfortable pace just to keep the feel for the water. Every now and then I like to challenge myself. Yesterday the squad were doing 15x400IM repeats. I did 2 and beat them all yay! Not suggesting this trend would have continued but the times we rent too bad so that was a little ego booster, I haven't lost it all!

My first real long ride for quite a while started out with my dad and my twin brother who had returned from Malaysia. To give you some background on him he hasn't ridden for about 6months or something! Was a swimmer, now retired going on to do medicine.

So you can imagine the pace we held for the first section. We really hadn't done much when dad and he decided to turn home and that was when I really got stuck into it. The course I chose was one I hadn't done for quite a while, and never this far. Turns out, to my excitement, rolling hills the whole way.

Seeing I haven't really done serious riding training for a while they left a bit of a burn. All in all was a 3hour ride, only 25kph, the start really slowed me down, but without it even wouldn't have gone over 30kph, rolling hills got to love them!

Also learnt an important lesson I have always known but ignored. Sunscreen. Use it. I am sporting a nice arm and lower leg tan now, with insane white upper arms and thighs its great! My next blog I will show you where my training "home" is. Monday I start my full preparation, I cant wait. If I cant run I will replace it with riding, will be doing my full 30hours+ of training throughout the week so lots to write about!


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